Our basic statements

What is at stake?

Be visible. Be audible. Send out positive energy. Counteracting the divisive tendencies.

For a united and democratic European Union. For the preservation of peace, freedom, and the rule of law. For tolerance, respect and respect for human dignity. For the further development of Europe.

We stand up for Europe

# 1

Europe must not fail

The European Union is in danger of disintegrating. But only united will the countries of Europe have influence to help shape the rapidly changing world. It is of existential importance that all those who care about Europe take action and set an example. Everything is now at stake for the European idea!


Peace itself is at stake

The European Union was and is first and foremost an alliance to secure peace. This is threatened from within and without: Nationalist and protectionist currents are on the rise. Societies are drifting apart. Previously reliable political structures and alliances are being called into question or even dissolving. If you want to live in peace, you have to work for cohesion. Europe must not allow itself to be divided!


We are responsible

Each and every individual is responsible for shaping our future. No one can make excuses. Hoping that everything will work out all right is a fire hazard. Europe needs all of us now to stand up for human dignity, freedom, equality, political diversity and solidarity. We must resolutely oppose destructive and retrograde tendencies. Democracy only thrives when citizens actively participate. Democracy fails not because of its opponents, but because of the inaction of democrats.


Fundamental rights and the rule of law are inviolable

In several member states of the European Union, fundamental rights such as freedom of the press, freedom of expression and freedom of assembly are already being violated and the rule of law is being restricted. These attacks on the foundations of a united Europe are unacceptable. Separation of powers and legal certainty must be guaranteed throughout the Community. State action may only be taken on the basis of lawful and democratically legitimized laws. Independent courts, society and the press must be able to perform their monitoring duties.


Combining economic freedom and social responsibility

Free movement of persons, free movement of services, free movement of goods and free movement of payments are the basis of the internal market and the prerequisite for individual freedom and prosperity in Europe. However, only a sustainable economy is fit for the future. In order to strengthen cohesion in the European Union, further steps are also needed to equalize living conditions and increase equality of opportunity.


Reforms are necessary

The European Union must be preserved so that it can be improved. And without improvement it will not be preserved. Citizens must be actively involved in reform processes so that the unity of Europe is supported by all. A broad public discourse on key European issues is the basis for democratic participation. Concerns need to be heard and their causes worked on. It’s all about transparency and credibility! The European idea must become more understandable and tangible for everyone.


Diversity and living together

The diversity within Europe is great. Preserving them and preserving regional differences must be a European program. At the same time, Europeans have a lot in common: the history of each country is special, but it cannot be written without the history of other countries. The linguistic and cultural traditions in Europe have always interpenetrated and influenced each other – and will continue to do so. Diversity and commonality are therefore not contradictory: no one has to choose between regional, national and European identity!


Strengthen European identity

The feeling of belonging together is what makes Europe come alive. It is about the development of a European civil society! We must learn to think European and understand that the weal and woe of our European neighbors affects us directly. This requires a transnational public. The more linguistic and cultural understanding we promote, the greater the chances of gaining understanding for one another. This includes balanced and comprehensible reporting. What is needed is a pan-European view, not just a national one.


Stand up, get active, go vote

Let us make the European idea visible and audible again. We want to shake up the silent majority. We are convinced that the number of people who are positive about the European idea is greater than the number of its opponents. Make yourselves strong for Europe and discuss with us. Go vote and give pro-European parties your vote.

# 10

Everyone can join in – and should

Pulse of Europe is a movement of European civil society, non-partisan and independent. Everyone who cares about the European idea can get involved. The European pulse should be palpable.

Let’s be the Pulse of Europe!

The European idea and social cohesion are at stake – all our efforts are needed!

Donate & Support

Without donations we would not be able to implement any of our many actions, demonstrations and projects. Get involved with us for the preservation of the European basic values and a future-oriented European Union and help us with your donation!