
Our demands for Europe’s future

For a united, democratic and effective European Union
Copyright: European Union 2021

The Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) was the EU’s largest citizen participation project to date, which was held from May 2021 to May 2022 in Strasbourg, Brussels, Dublin, Florence, Maastricht and Warsaw in other European cities. Randomly selected citizens from all EU countries had the opportunity to contribute their ideas and wishes for the future of Europe.

The conference focused on dialog between people, politicians and institutions. This resulted in 49 concrete proposals covering topics such as climate protection, democracy, digitalization, social justice, education and health. The aim of these 49 proposals is to bring the EU closer to its citizens, make it more sustainable and fit for the future. The results of the conference should help to align EU policy with the needs of the people. In recognition of these results, we at Pulse of Europe have identified some of the most important proposals for us, our personal #Bestof49 (as of 07.01.2025), and support their implementation in concrete European policy.

With this in mind, we demand:

This information is provided for information purposes only in connection with the “Bestof49” project of Pulse of Europe e.V. and makes no claim to correctness or completeness. They are based on the current status (currently: 07.01.2025). We reserve the right to make changes and additions at any time.

Open letter on the 2025 federal election

As part of our #Bestof49 project, we sent an open letter with our demands on Europe’s future to the members of the German Bundestag and to the candidates for election to the German Bundestag in almost all constituencies. Our letter was sent to MPs and candidates from the following parties: CDU/CSU, SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, FDP, Die Linke and VOLT. With this campaign, we want to bring the European dialog to the local level and make it clear to political decision-makers that a strong, united and sustainable European Union is needed.

We are happy to make our open letter available again here on our website:

#Bestof49 – In the context of the CoFoE

The Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE) was a series of citizen-led debates that took place from May 2021 to May 2022 in Strasbourg and Brussels as well as in various European cities, including Dublin and Florence. The CoFoE aimed to strengthen European democracy and actively involve citizens in the political processes of the European Union through their direct participation. A total of 800 randomly selected citizens from all EU member states were invited to express their opinions and ideas on shaping a common European future.

In four so-called citizens’ forums, 200 participants discussed important topics such as climate protection, democracy, digitalization, social justice, education and health over three weekends each. They developed a total of 326 European policy measures. These were then presented to the conference plenary, which consisted of almost 500 members, including 80 delegated citizens from the four citizens’ forums as well as representatives of the three EU institutions, national parliaments, social interest groups and finally 27 so-called national citizens’ representatives from all EU member states. Several meetings of the entire conference plenary, accompanied by additional discussions in smaller working groups, ultimately resulted in a total of 49 proposals that reflect the concerns and wishes of citizens in line with the political participants of the CoFoE. These 49 proposals are intended to serve as a basis for future political decisions in the EU. They show how important it is to include citizens’ voices in the political decision-making process. The conference thus represented a significant step towards a more inclusive and participatory European policy.
At the invitation of the Federal Foreign Office, Stephanie Hartung, Deputy Chair of the Board of Pulse of Europe, took part in the CoFoE conference plenary as the National Citizens’ Representative of the Federal Republic of Germany. Her personal impressions of this extraordinary experiment in European civic participation can be found here:


We sincerely thank the supporters of our demands and would also like to give you the opportunity to comment briefly.

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